Planning Board Minutes Nov. 17, 2009

MINUTES OF November 17, 2009 Regular MEETING of the Town of Rochester PLANNING BOARD, held at the Town Hall, Accord, NY.
Chairman Tapper called meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


PRESENT:                                                        ABSENT:
        Melvyn I. Tapper, Chairman                                              Michael Baden
Anthony Ullman                                                          Shane Ricks, Vice Chairman
Anthony Kawalchuk
        Robert Rominger
        Malena Calan (alt.)
Leon Smith                                                      


Pledge to the Flag.
TONON, LLC- c/o Tanya Kefer, Site Plan Approval to enclose existing pavilion located at the Pizza Barn property for personal use health club, Route 209, Tax Map # 76.2-2-49, ‘B’ District


Tanya Kefer was present on behalf of the application.


Chairman Tapper noted that the only question that the Board really had from the last meeting was whether or not the applicant was going to put in a restroom and if it was required. In the time since the last meeting, the applicant has presented a layout of the floor plan for the health club showing the addition of the bathroom to the plan. The Board did check with the Building Inspector, Jerry Davis and it was determined that a bathroom was needed, so this all works out.


At 7:01 Chairman Tapper opened the hearing to the public.


There was no public comment.


The Chairman noted that the Board is in receipt of the response from the Ulster County Planning Board and they had noted under “Required Modifications”, that it was unclear whether or not this proposed enclosure of the structure will meet the new federal flood plain regulations where structures placed in the flood plains need to be at least 2 feet above the base flood elevation.  The Board just received this information on this date and hasn’t had a chance to research whether or not it was grandfathered, but the Secretary will get in touch with the Ulster County Planning Board tomorrow and find out. The Board will need to keep the hearing open and will finish it up in December.
Mr. Smith motioned to accept the October 20, 2009 Minutes. Seconded by Mr. Kawalchuk. No discussion.
Tapper:         Yes                                     Ricks:  Absent
Smith:  Yes                                     Kawalchuk:      Yes
Ullman: Yes                                     Rominger:       Yes
Baden:  Absent                          Calan, Alt:     (not required to participate)


Chairman Tapper noted that at this time of the year they usually do recommendations to the Town Board for positions of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary for the upcoming year. Mr. Ricks’ position as a Board Member is expiring and he’s sending a letter of intent into the Town Board to reapply for that.


Mr. Ullman motioned to recommend to the Town Board for the reappointment of Mr. Tapper for the position of Chairman for the 2010-year. Seconded by Mr. Kawalchuk.
Tapper:         Yes                                     Ricks:  Absent
Smith:  Yes                                     Kawalchuk:      Yes
Ullman: Yes                                     Rominger:       Yes
Baden:  Absent                          Calan, Alt:     (not required to participate)


Chairman motioned to recommend to the Town Board for the reappointment of Mr. Ricks for the position of Vice Chairman for the 2010 year should he be reappointed to the Board. Seconded by Mr. Smith.
Tapper:         Yes                                     Ricks:  Absent
Smith:  Yes                                     Kawalchuk:      Yes
Ullman: Yes                                     Rominger:       Yes
Baden:  Absent                          Calan, Alt:     (not required to participate)


Chairman Tapper motioned to recommend to the Town Board for the reappointment of Mrs. Paddock Stange for the position of Secretary for the 2010-year. Seconded by Mr. Kawalchuk.
Tapper:         Yes                                     Ricks:  Absent
Smith:  Yes                                     Kawalchuk:      Yes
Ullman: Yes                                     Rominger:       Yes
Baden:  Absent                          Calan, Alt:     (not required to participate)
Chairman Tapper noted that the only other item for this meeting was the SEQRA questions that were circulated by Board Member Baden. If individuals from the Board would like to email recommendations to Mr. Baden for the committee on revising the current SEQRA laws, please email them to the Secretary as well.
Mr. Smith noted that he had recently had a conversation with Helena Duda of the DEC and she volunteered to meet with the Board and go over the mining permit process with them.


The Board agreed that this would be beneficial. The Chairman would see about setting something up for the new year.


Mr. Rominger motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Ullman. No discussion. All members present in favor.


As there was no further business, at 7:15 PM, Chairman Tapper adjourned the meeting.
                                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Rebecca Paddock Stange, Secretary