Planning Board Minutes 12/18/07

MINUTES OF  December 18, 2007 REGULAR MEETING of the Town of Rochester PLANNING BOARD, held at the Town Hall, Accord, NY.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by  Chairperson Carney.


PRESENT:                                                ABSENT:
        Shane Ricks                                     Anthony Kawalchuk                                                               
        Robert Gaydos
        Anthony Ullman
        Melvyn I. Tapper  
        Nadine D. Carney, Chairperson
        Robert Rominger
        Don Dunn, Alternate


Town Planner, Jan Johannessenn of The Chazen Companies was not present.
Pledge to the Flag


DAWSON HOMES– subdivision to be known as Mount Laurel Estates, First Phase of 22 lots, Samsonville Road, Tax Map # 60.1-2-2 &3, ‘A’ District


Chairperson Carney stated that the previous Chairman, Steve Fornal had signed the maps for Phase 1 of this subdivision. Medenbach & Eggers did a re-survey of where the road was actually built and so they needed to readjust the maps to make it in the as built location.
The Board looked over the maps to see where the road varied from the plan that was already signed.
Chairperson Carney noted that these were very minor changes.
Mr. Gaydos questioned how this came about.
Chairperson Carney noted that the applicant stated that the original maps that were signed by Steve Fornal, were stolen and when he went to get new maps made up from Medenbach & Eggers, they were changed to reflect the as built location of the road. She noted that this also avoids having to re-file the maps, since these are the correct ones. This actually saves a step. She would have the Secretary check the Road Maintenance Agreement (RMA) just to verify that it didn’t affect that document. The Board needed to revote on the approval.
Mr. Tapper questioned why the road wasn’t built where it was laid out on the original map?
Chairperson Carney noted that she got two different answers from Mr. Medenbach and Mr. Dawson, so she wasn’t sure.
Mr. Ricks stated that sometimes it happens.
Mr. Tapper noted that if this didn’t happen, and Mr. Dawson didn’t bring these maps back, the Board wouldn’t have known.
Mr. Rominger noted that this map on file with the Town wouldn’t match the survey a buyer would have.
Chairperson Carney noted that all conditions would remain the same, they just needed to amend the decision to reflect the as built road location.
Mr. Gaydos felt this was good to get this fixed now.
Mr. Gaydos motioned to update the decision to reflect the as built road with the condition that nothing will be affected in the RMA. Seconded by Mr. Tapper.
Carney- Yes                                     Ullman- Yes
Gaydos- Yes                                     Rominger-       abstain
Ricks-          Yes                                     Tapper- Yes
Kawalchuk-      Absent                          Dunn(alt.)-not required to participate


Mr. Ullman noted that the vote on the decision of the November 20, 2007 Homeland Towers application was missing from the minutes. The Board agreed to vote on these minutes after they were corrected.




Mrs. Carney motioned to reappoint Rebecca Paddock Stange as Secretary for the year of 2008. Mr. Gayos seconded the motion. All members present in favor. (Mr. Rominger abstained)


Mr. Gaydos motioned to recommend to the Town Board to appoint Mel Tapper as Chairman for 2008, seconded by Mrs. Carney. All members present in favor. (Mr. Rominger abstained)


Mr. Gaydos motioned to recommend to the Town Board to appoint Shane Ricks as Vice Chair for 2008. All members present in favor. (Mr. Rominger abstained)
Mr. Tapper felt that letters of appreciation for service should be sent to members who ended their terms this past year.


Mrs. Carney thanked Mr. Gaydos for his years of service and noted that he will be missed at meetings.


Mr. Gaydos motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Chairperson Carney. All members present in favor.


As there was no further business, at 8:30pm, Chairman Carney adjourned the meeting.
                                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Rebecca Paddock Stange, Secretary