2016 HPC Meeting Minutes – October

P.O. Box 65
Accord, NY 12404


Monday, October 17, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.
Members Present: Alice Cross (President), Howard Kagan, Frank Dannecker, Elaine Laflamme, Ward Mintz, Alice Schoonmaker.
Others Present: Carl Chipman as Town Board Liaison

Call to Order – Alice Cross called the meeting to order at 1:13.

Minutes – Discussion of September 19th Minutes. The Minutes were distributed via email and members were unable to access the file. E. Laflamme to redistribute the September Minutes for approval.
Minute of Silence Observed in Memory of for Bill Collier – Bill Collier passed away on September 30, 2016. He served as a valued member of HPC for many years and accomplished many wonderful things for the Historic Preservation Commission of the Town of Rochester. Members recalled with appreciation Bill’s work on signage, the location of the Veterans Park and securing the stone for the Veterans Park. Bill will be missed.
Hamlet of Accord Revitalization Project (HARP) –
W. Mintz reported on recent HARP activities and meetings:
a) There is continued interest in HARP
b) New Member – Rosanne Percival, and
c) Group discussed new welcome sign for Accord on Rte. 209.
It was noted that the order for the Accord sign could be combined with orders for other signs such as the ceme-tery sign. It may be cost effective to consolidate the order for signs.
N. Larson Study of Historic Designation for Hamlet of Accord
W. Mintz sent the letter to N. Larson seeking to retain him to determine the feasibility of obtaining Historic Designation for Accord. The work is to be done in three stages. Mr. Larson is sending back a retainer to con-duct the first two stages. HPC currently has a balance of $1500 to pay for the feasibility study.
Palentown Sign – Chick Logan called to report that the Palentown sign needs replacing at a cost of $146 (same cost as in 2013). Alice Cross will check on the stake for the sign.
Action – Ward Mintz moved to approve replacing the Palentown sign. Howard Kagan seconded the motion.
All approved.
F. Dannecker mentioned the sign for the Palentown School. There are funds available for the School sign in the
grounds budget. Order the school sign from Johnson Signs and Tees.
Solar –
The HPC letter was read at the Town meeting but not adopted. There are currently two sites being considered
that could provide sustainable electric power to the Town, the Transfer Station and the Sand Mine behind the
Rainbow Diner.
Liaison Report – the flagpole at the Veteran’s Park is bent. It will be replaced. Alligerville Fire Station
discussed. The Town will put out an RFQ (request for qualifications) to build a new firehouse.
Ward Mintz discussed recent changes to historically important homes in the area and suggested that HPC
develop a program highlighting the importance of historic homes to Ulster County.
Action – Alice Schoonmaker moved to have W. Mintz look into developing a program for the public informing
them on the importance of historic homes to the view shed and sense of place. Howard Kagan seconded the
motion. All approved.
Next Meeting – Monday, November 14, 2016 at 1:00 p.m., Town Hall.
Adjournment – motion made by Alice Schoonmaker, seconded by Frank Dannecker and passed by all.
Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Laflamme, Recording Secretary