2016 HPC Meeting Minutes – July

P.O. Box 65
Accord, NY 12404


Monday, July 18, 2016 at 1:05 p.m.

Members Present: Bill Collier, Frank Dannecker, Elaine Laflamme, Ward Mintz, Alice Schoonmaker, Howard Kagan.
Absent: Alice Cross (President).
Call to Order – Ward Mintz Cross called the meeting to order at 1:05.
Minutes – Bill Collier made a motion to accept the May Minutes, Alice Schoonmaker seconded the motion and all approved.

Hamlet of Accord Revitalization Project (HARP) –
E. Laflamme summarized the June HARP meeting noting that the HARP participants had broken down into subgroups and were exploring the following:
a. Tool Kits.
b. Funding Sources.
c. Other Towns’ Revitalization Efforts.
W. Mintz discussed the availability of Economic Development Grants and the tax and other financial benefits to residents of an historically designated town. Discussion ensued about the historical significance of the canal and railroad to the Town of Rochester and the mechanics involved in designating a town as an historical district. Bill Krattinger at SHPO has been encouraging about meeting the requirements for such a designation.
Solar –
H. Kagan reported on the Town Board discussion of solar regulation. Question – why 2 solar ordinances, one for small and one for large installations? The Town Board discussion was adjourned to allow re-drafting to combine both into one ordinance. Discussion of history behind solar regulations ensued. W. Mintz noted that one role for HPC is to inform constituents of what historic preservation professionals are recommending for historic properties that wish to add solar.
It was noted that Ron Lapp donated American Flags for Main Street.
Next Meeting – Monday, September 19, 2016 at 1:00 p.m., Town Hall.
Adjournment – motion made by Alice Schoonmaker and seconded by Frank Dannecker, and passed by all.
Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Laflamme, Recording Secretary