2016 HPC Meeting Minutes – April

P.O. Box 65
Accord, NY 12404


Monday, April 18, 2016 at 1:12 p.m.

Members Present: Bill Collier, Alice Cross, Frank Dannecker, Elaine Laflamme, Walter Levy, Ward Mintz, Alice Schoonmaker.

Others present: none other present (Carl Chipman, liaison to Town Board, had a conflicting engagement).

Call to Order – Alice Cross called the meeting to order at 1:12.

Minutes – The Minutes of the March 21, 2016 meeting were accepted, subject to correcting the spelling of Jonathan Nedbor’s name. Motion to accept made by Ward Mintz, seconded by Alice Schoonmaker and passed by all.

Correspondence – Alice C. greeted the members and asked if there was any correspondence. There was none.

Hamlet of Accord Revitalization Project (HARP) –
a. Alice C. asked if anyone had heard from Bill Woods and Ward Mintz summarized a conversation he had with Bill regarding HARP’s first meeting scheduled for April 25th. Bill has been mentioned in the invitation to the first HARP meeting as a person well positioned to provide the group guidance in light of the years he spent spearheading revitalization projects for the City of New York.
b. The mechanics of the first HARP meeting were discussed. Carl Chipman will greet the group and introduce Walter Levy who will give a brief summary of the origins of HARP. Carl C. will then solicit nominees for Chairperson and Secretary followed by a blind vote. The newly elected Chairperson will introduce Bill Woods and set meeting dates and time.
c. Discussion ensued about what to do if no one volunteers to act as Secretary and it was remarked that HARP is a committee of the Town Board and they will be asked for a solution should no one volunteer.
d. Documents, writing materials and snacks for first HARP meeting will be provided as follows:
• Alice C. will bring an introductory packet consisting of the HARP Mission Statement, the list of HARP Members proposed to Town Board, HARP summary and Self-guided Tour flyer developed by Friends of Historic Rochester. Members discussed the pros and cons of bringing pictures of the downtown buildings that have been abandoned and are in need of remediation. It was decided to make those available at the second HARP meeting.
• Walter L. will bring an easel, board and dry markers.
• Alice C. will bring bottles of water.
• Alice S. and Elaine L. will bring crackers and cheese.
• Walter L. has the key to Town Hall.

e. Alice C. will speak to Carl C. about the mechanics of the first meeting.

Alligerville Historical District Marker –
a. Frank D., Walter L. and Jonathan Nedbor prepared the site for the new Alligerville Historical District Marker. Frank D. called the County to erect the pipe for the Marker and on Monday the County put in the pipe and erected the sign. Walter L. suggested we let the community know that the Marker is up and it was decided to take a picture of the HPC members and Alligerville residents standing around the new Marker for publication in the local papers. The picture will be taken at the next HPC meeting, scheduled for May 23rd.
b. Alice Schoonmaker reported that she spoke with the real estate agent from Kingston who had placed a sign placed within 6 inches of the Hamlet sign but leaning against it. Alice S. said the reply from the real estate agent was not encouraging.

Liaison Report – Carl C. was not present due to a schedule conflict. Alice C. asked what the members considered the function of a liaison to be and members discussed the role of the Town Board liaison and how helpful their presence has been.

Firehouse Report –
a. Ward Mintz reported that the former Supervisor of the State Historic Preservation Commission visited the Alligerville Firehouse/Schoolhouse along with Charlie Wyant and Chris Ryder from the Fire Commission. The group was given access to the attic. Regarding the Schoolhouse’s historical significance, the former supervisor noted that “you have a lot here”.
b. Ward M. reported that if the building’s roof is going to be replaced using state money that the roofing plans will have to be submitted to the state’s Historical Preservation Commission for its approval given the building’s status as a contributing factor to Alligerville’s historic designation. A question was raised as to whether building a temporary addition would need NY HPC’s approval and Ward M. noted that such approval is only required when government funds are used.
c. Discussion ensued about the schoolhouse building. Ward M. noted the schoolhouse should be left intact, that it’s structurally sound though it could use repointing using historically appropriate mortar. Bill C. noted that discussion about a new roof has been going around for some years now. Walter L. noted the attic was dry.

Next Meeting – Thursday, May 23, 2016 at 1:00 p.m., Town Hall.

Adjournment – motion made by Walter Levy to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Bill Collier, and passed by all.

Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Laflamme, Recording Secretary