ECC Minutes March 2012

Present: Ethan Roland (Facilitator), Steve Rice(Recorder), Hank Bartosik, Laura Finestone, Carl Chipman, Bob Dandrew, Jorge Gomez, Shelley Tran, Joe Brit, Ryan Tripani
Ryan asked that someone keep track of the time during the meeting to help end the meeting on time.
Jorge volunteered to do so.
Carl stated oath of office must be taken by all ECC members at town hall, including those who have been reappointed.
Brief introductions of the committee members to each other.
ECC Alternate Members
Laura stated there are now more applicants than positions on the ECC, so she suggested we use the model of Westchester Co to use alternates on the committee.
Carl stated we must amend local law to achieve, and alternates may be best way to assure quorum is achieved at each meeting.
Two alternates were decided on. Timetable for development:  April public hearing, Town Board vote at May meeting,
Alternates must interview and be approved by Town Board. ECC must approve alternates. 5 is current quorum. Hank asked if alternates should attend meetings before appointment.
Carl alternates should attend, but may not vote.
Motion was made and passed unanimously.


The schedule for meeting facilitation and recording was updated.
Month/Facilitator/ Recorder
May/ Bob/Jorge
June /Jorge/Joe
July /Joe/Hank
Laura discussed duties of chair and sharing beyond facilitator/recorder, Carl stated committee must have one chair to run committee. Meeting minutes must be submitted to Mike Baden for publication on Town website. Ethan and Laura will form template for facilitator duties.
February minutes; Motion to accept was made, passed unanimously
Steve reported on the rail trail. Storm damage over the winter dropped some trees, but nothing so large that the trails are not passable. Steve also reported that an Accord resident was building a fence on the county highway right of way the rail trail ends on. Carl said he had just visited the site and that the amount of trail taken was not a problem for the town. Steve disagreed and since this is a county property, he would pursue a resolution through the county.  A brief discussion of trail signage concluded with Steve agreeing to research trail sign costs for the next meeting.
Laura reported on the RCWC (Rondout Creek Watershed Council). Victor Melendez report has been sent to towns for suggested edits.Awaiting edits. Grant for events no longer available as deadline for events was not met. Must await publication of report. Follow through steps under discussion
Hank reports the Ulster EMC (Environmental Management Council), cancelled its meeting due to snowstorm. Shared ‘USGS published final report on tunnel effect on groundwater Preliminary Analysis of the Hydrologic Effects of Temporary shutdowns of the Rondout-Westbranch Water Tunnel on the Groundwater flow system in Wawarsing NY’ Attended an Omelet meeting on hydrofracking.
Carl stated Town of Dryden zoning banning hydrofracking cleared supreme court, appellate division is next, Carl is not sure it will stand up; lots of time and money will expended
Carl then detailed appellate experience of town on another matter. After the State DEC decision Carl would bring law to referendum; this law plus zoning law would be most effective path for preventing hydrofracking within the town.
Hank stated if NYS banned completely PA drilling could cross border.
Waste products of fracking could be used for highway surface treatment. Carl would like a recommendation from the ECC to ban this use. Winter road treatment products are purchased by the county, and this is one of the materials that may be considered.
Jorge stated that if MSDS information is not available for this material and you cannot let workers disburse it under NYS right to know law.
Ryan wants to do his own research on Fracking has not heard of it before, and does not feel we can vote on this yet. Steve said that not everyone needs to be up to speed for a committee vote, and vote is needed now to affect county purchase decisions of this material.
Shelly read and learned a lot about fracking, a loophole in federal law lets oil companies avoid hazardous material requirements of other processes.
County and state use fluids on highway. Town uses sand and very little granular salt.
Motion was made to make a recommendation to the town board to oppose the use of this material in our community; Ryan abstained, Ethan opposed, all others in favor.
Farm to Community
ECC helped sponser 1st event, obtained firehouse use for free, paid for some ads for events.
Laura feels we should back off support as they have become stronger. Bob says it was a very positive event. Tomorrow night is the next Farm to Community event.
Earth day plans
Youth commission traditionally plans and coordinates this event for the town.April  21 and 28 two work dates 21 is party, orange bags and road coordination will be done by the Youth Commission.
ECC needs to do the outreach part. ECC will work on the  April 21 date.  Outreach to schools last year. RVBA was contacted last year. Carol, community director will coordinate. Act as a group and clean or do own neighborhood road.
Flier to Mike Baden for town website, Web delivery by Laura,Ethan to mention at RVGA, Bob will present at Farm to school program, Shelly will bring up at hydrofracking meeting, Ethan will inform Permaculture group, Carl will distribute fliers at RVBA business meeting April 12.
A simple flier is needed, John to design with Steve alternate as alternate deadline is next Friday B&W PDF format to Ryan if color.
Press release writing will be handled by Jorge and sent to Laura for distribution.
High School contact. Bob will talk to Andy Davenport and school Superintendant  Agastaro
Flier distribution Shelly, Joe Ryan and Ethan


ECC event brainstorm
Hank wants to establish an Adopt-a -highway program and will develop information on.


What other events around the valley that we might connect with?
Town event at park; concentrate on one or everybody pick what they love to do and run event.
Tree event, such as trees for tribs; movie night after dark late PM event before, energy local economy, permaculture, fixing the future movie.
May 5, I love my park day at Minnewaska to build strong pool of volunteers.
Environmental themed movies. Booth or activity, creative and instructive, recycled art
Jenny Bell Pie festival at Kelders Farm might be an event to piggyback on
Heritage day in October…
Booths for local green businesses,
Ethan both and approach, passive food and movie, activities late PM, plant walks, etc.
Future of Rochester paired with Heritage day. They may not want to share event, Bob will talk to Heritage day coordinators.
Closed with what everyone liked about the meeting.