ECC Meeting Minutes – July 2019

Town of Rochester Environmental Conservation Commission
Minutes for: July 11, 2019
Members Present: Judith Karpova, Madeline Russo, Heather Eckhardt, John Messerschmidt

May 18th Trees for Tribs Recap
Judith still has 70 trees left to plant. She is repotting trees to keep them alive and auguring planting holes. Everything is on site and ready to go. ECC to plan a follow-up T4T event this fall to keep community engagement momentum going. October event date TBD.
June 29th Tire Brigade Recap
23 tires were recovered and John said he counted 179 in just one part of the river, so we can safely assume there are 200+ tires left to fish out. Educating the community on why there are tires in the river is key.
Discussed putting the recovered tires to use for a community art project to raise awareness of issue and
Discussed possibility of finding tire reuse/recovery grant opportunities.
Community Composting Program
Mike says program is a success so far. Bins are routinely at least halfway full and being used respectfully. Town is considering better signage at the Transfer Station to prevent any trash from being put into the bins, we should follow up to see if ECC can help.
Third Thursday Speaker Series
Confirmed line-up:
September 19th start with recycling presentation from UCRRA.
October 17th : Permaculture, Andrew Faust, RWA
November 21st : Mohonk staff for conservation/cultural landscape talk
Possible future speakers/topics: Plant communication, Invasives, Pollinators, Ticks/Lyme’s Disease, Winter tracking…
Upcoming Events:
July 20th: RCWA Coxing Kill Clean Up.