ECC Meeting Minutes – January 2019

ECC Meeting Summary
January 10, 2018,
630-8 pm
Members attending: Kristin Marcell, Judith Karpova, Madeline Russo, Sarah Archibald, Tim Ganon

Meeting Summary

● Official email for the ECC has changed to the town email system:

ECC Website
• Rich Miller manages the town website, which we have been asked to use.
• Plan to remove old content and outline new content for two topic areas: local streams and recycling. Judith will outline content on local streams. Topics include history, access points, areas where stream sampling takes place. She will aim for an outline by the February ECC meeting. Tim will outline content on recycling. Topics include why this is important, what can/cannot be recycled at town transfer station and how to recycle other items. He will aim for a draft by the March meeting.
• Sarah will work with Rich to delete old content, post the date for Riversweep and upload photos. She is also managing our Facebook site to update community members.

• Northeast Recycling Council Conference – Judith and Tim volunteered to attend the NE Recycling Council Conference on May 7th and 8th. Both will apply for a scholarship provided by the organizers to cover travel costs.
• Residents interested in how we can reduce costs. We could improve signage and look for strategies from other towns that may have successful recycling programs.
• Sarah to contact high school environmental club to see if they are interested in programming on recycling. With resources we could do creative school programming.

Spring river cleanup (Riversweep)
• Date is May 4th. Will begin planning at February meeting.
• We may be able to access funding to support this, but all items must be approved by the Town Board.

Ulster EMC representation
• Need new representative. Members will rotate in this function until a member is willing to become the official representative. Tim and Judith to attend next meeting.

Reaching potential new members
• Kristin communicating with the Bluestone Press. They will publish our meeting agendas in advance for free. We can add a picture as well. Her son created a drawing will be used. We may also be able to pursue a small ad elsewhere in the paper.
• Kristin to ask Mike about the town Trails committee to see if they may be worth partnering with. Olive CAC and Rondout Esopus Land Trust are also interested in working together.
• ECC members can reach out to people they know that might have an interest.

Items for next meeting
• Discussion of logistics and outreach for Riversweep
• Possible grant opportunities (Cornell, CFA, HREP)